Thursday, November 17, 2011

Getting Better Sleep - Some Suggestions and Self Help Tools For Dealing With Sleep Problems

!9# Getting Better Sleep - Some Suggestions and Self Help Tools For Dealing With Sleep Problems

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How well you sleep at night often depends on your mental state before you go to bed. You may feel exhausted physically but if you are beset by worries, have thoughts without end whizzing around in your head, it can be very, very difficult to get to sleep. And if this happens, what do you do? Do you just lie there in the dark with nothing to distract you from your thoughts? Feel really uptight and helpless, and perhaps get more and more frustrated at not being able to get that good nights sleep that you are long overdue? Or do you just give up and get up for a while? And when you finally get to sleep, do you awake feeling good or just more tired than ever?

Everyone experiences times when sleep is a problem, for example when really important examinations loom large. For short periods that can be OK, we can cope with it being temporary. But when poor sleep is what we experience night, after night, after endless night, then it is a very different story indeed. We can become trapped in a vicious, continuous cycle of increasing stress levels and damage to our physical, emotional and mental health.

Ironically, a good nights sleep is one of the best antidotes to stress, the irritability, lack of concentration and other ways of being "off" that result when we suffer from a lack of good sleep. By good sleep I mean regular, quality sleep that revitalizes the mind, body and spirit. So just how do you break the vicious cycle and once again enjoy good sleep?

Sleeping pills may give some temporary relief but of course they often come with unwelcome side effects such as drowsiness. With pills there is also the risk of addiction. Medical opinion is clear: sleeping pills are not a long term solution. So what then is the solution?

Being a hypnotherapist it will come as no surprise to hear the solution that I recommend! Hypnotherapy can help greatly by eliminating the real source of your sleeplessness and resetting your body's sleep clock. But you can also do much to help yourself with or without hypnotherapy and here are some strategies you can try to ensure that you have a restful nights sleep:

o Get a good mattress - we spend about a third of our lives sleeping so for goodness sake invest in a really good bed. It is worth it.
o Make sure your bedroom is cold or very cool - open a window and get fresh air if you can. Also make sure that your bedding does not make you over warm.
o Get up early - this might sound strange but by getting up 30-60 minutes before you normally would, you start to feel tired earlier in the evening. You need to practice this until you find yourself falling asleep at a more reasonable and regular earlier hour.
o Make time to unwind before bedtime - don't go to bed if you are not tired. Develop a good pre sleep routine. Have a bath before bed if this helps you relax; turn off the TV; read a good book; play some relaxing music, go for a whatever works for you. Avoid watching TV in bed or reading in bed - try and associate being in bed with sleeping.
o Try and get up in the morning and go to bed at night the same time every day. No napping during the day.
o Bore your mind to sleep! - instead of counting sheep to try to eliminate any busy thoughts, just try and bore your mind to sleep...for example, in your mind make a list of all the furniture in your house; think about all the times at school and at work when someone was droning on and on; make a list of all the car makes you can name; the names of the streets in your neighbourhood; all the branded tinned food you can recall from your last trip to the supermarket; all the things that you have ever found boring.....
o Relaxing Blank - make a list of everything that could go wrong in the area that is preoccupying you, give each thing a careful description, make it as specific a worry as possible and then say "NEXT" loudly in your mind. You will be surprised how quickly you run out of worries and if you find yourself still worrying, just repeat the exercise.
o Delegate problems to your unconscious to sort while you are asleep - Edison and Einstein used this method. Just hand the problem over to your unconscious by saying " I now handover this problem to my unconscious so it can work on it while I am asleep. I am now free to rest and go to sleep" Use this before you "need" it so that you are ready and you can feel a sense of release
o Exercise - it need not be strenuous or mean going to the gym; take 2 brisk 15 minute walks a day
o Avoid caffeine, chocolate, sweets, cola and other soft drinks and sugary foods from 2 PM onwards (or from 6pm if that is just too hard for you to do!).
o Drink a cup of Camomile tea before bedtime - the scent of lavender in your bedroom can work wonders too.
o Eat main meals early - at least 3 hours before you go to bed. If you must eat something before bed, eat lightly and drink plenty of water.
o Drink little alcohol.
o Get ready all that you need for the next morning - in a relaxed way (clothes ironed and ready, case packed, To Do list sorted etc)
o Do some gentle stretches - to relieve any tension in the muscles.
o Do relaxation exercises (see examples further below)
o Have a notepad and pen to hand - to capture anything that you worry you will forget in the morning
o And if all else fails - don't just lie there, get up, get dressed and do some work - not watching TV or just sit there doing nothing! Do some paperwork, read, clean out the cupboards or whatever keeps you occupied. Only go back to bed when you are fighting to stay awake.


1. Relaxing Into Sleep

Step 1
o Sit on the edge of the bed, up with your arms by your side
o Take a long breath in and out
o Breathe in, stretching your arms at shoulder height and slowly hold the stretch for some seconds
o Breathing out slowly, bring your arms down to your sides
o Repeat 2 or 3 times

Step 2
o Get into bed, lie on your back and make sure your head is rested comfortably on a pillow.
o Let your breathing slow to a gentle rhythm centred in the upper part of the lungs
o Continue to breathe lightly and let your mind rest on the regular rise and fall of your breathing

Step 3
o Let your body find its sleeping position
o Visualize an image of harmony (e.g. a blue sky, a beautiful forest, a wildflower meadow) and concentrate on its tranquility as you continue to breathe easily
o If you wake early, just breathe slowly and recall your images and the relaxed way you were breathing.


(This exercise is taught by some UK police forces to help their drivers to stay calm and focused)

o Take some nice deep breaths in and out and stretch your muscles gently; notice where any tension is, and spend a while easing it out
o Then settle yourself comfortably in a chair (or propped upright on a bed) - make sure that there is no strain on your neck (support your head with pillows if necessary)
o With your eyes open and still, just pick a spot level with your eyes and 6-10 feet or so ahead, and focus on that spot
o Continue staring at that spot and as you do so, without moving your head or your eyes, see what you can see in your peripheral vision (notice how much more you notice on your right, left, below and above)
o Put your hands up, behind your head, fingers level with your eyes but out of sight....then slowly move your hands forward and wiggle your fingers as you do so, eyes still, until you can see your fingers in the periphery of your vision - repeat a few times
o Notice how different you feel when you stop doing this.

3. DEEP RELAXATION - 10 -15 minutes

o Find a place where you can sit undisturbed for a while (use a toilet at work if you have nowhere else where people, phones etc can interrupt you)
o Sit upright comfortably, making sure your head rests comfortably on your shoulders, no strain on the neck or tight clothes that constrain your breathing and ability to relax
o Place feet flat on the floor and both hands palms upward resting on your legs (no clasping!)
o Just close your eyes and as you do so tell yourself that you will relax for x minutes, yet can awake at anytime as you relax if necessary but will definitely awake at the end of the time you have set yourself.
o Turn your attention to the muscles in your feet tighten those muscles, hold and then spend a while relaxing the muscles, allowing them to lengthen, ease and get heavier as they do so. As you physically tighten and then relax each muscle, watch too in your minds eye as the muscle tightens, shortens and then stretches easily. Move on when you feel that your feet are relaxed.
o Repeat with each area of your body, moving upwards -
o Lower legs, calf muscles
o Muscles around the knees
o Upper leg, thigh muscles
o Bum and groin muscles
o Lower back
o Stomach
o Upper back
o Chest and lungs (relax your breathing, slow, ease it)
o Shoulders
o Upper arms
o Lower arms
o Wrists, hands and fingers (then back up the arms again)
o Neck (back and front)
o Facial muscles (screw up your face and eyes)
o Back of head and scalp
o Send wave of relaxation back and forward through your body, form the top of your head to the tips of your toes and back again
o As you do so, imagine that each in breath is a colour - a colour which for you represents peace, calmness, ease, relaxation- and watch that colour spread to every part of you breathe in
o Now give each out breath a different colour - a colour which for you represents tenseness, negativity, anxiety - and watch that colour be expelled from your body and evaporate just before you breathe your vibrant colour in again.
o When you have relaxed every part of you, just imagine that you are at the top of a beautiful staircase that leads down to a special place, a private place where you can go to and just let the world fade away and let your mind relax.
o See the staircase before you and walk down it nice and easily, with each step feel yourself becoming more relaxed, sleepier, and heavier and calmer.
o Count yourself down the stairs and when you reach the bottom just let the stairs and the everyday world fade away as you go to your special place. It could be a tropical beach or a peaceful garden or perhaps it is a wonderful forest or a bubbling brook or maybe you are just watching a beautiful sunset - just let your mind wander, where it will, see what you see, hear what you hear, feel what it feels like to be there.
o Let go and as you begin to let go, imagine a soft warm mist surrounding you, a comfortable, warm mist all around you. Just drift with the mist, float and drift into a warm comfortable feeling. You feel safe, secure, relaxed, at ease, comfortable. Allow any thoughts or questions that come to mind to just float up and disappear in the mist.
o Stay in your special place until you sense it is time for you to return to the everyday world and when you sense this, take your time and just float back up, slowly until your eyes open all by themselves
o Know that you can go to your special place whenever you want and each time you do the experience will be better than before.
o Stretch and take a few moments to come around

Getting Better Sleep - Some Suggestions and Self Help Tools For Dealing With Sleep Problems

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Friday, November 11, 2011

CPAP NOOK - Oak hardwood cabinet

!9# CPAP NOOK - Oak hardwood cabinet

Brand : Ell's Wood | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Nov 11, 2011 19:39:40 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Made of Solid Oak Hardwood. Hand Selected / Certified Environmentally Sustainable 10 inch x 5 foot Solid Hardwood boards are used to create a natural clean contiguous wood grain design. NO Varnish, Laminate or Glue are used, which reduces potential allergens and carcinogens. Unit overall size is 20" high X 16" deep X 10" wide. Internal shelf for CPAP measures: 8.5" wide x 14.25" long x 6.5" deep, which accommodates new and older CPAP machines manufactured over the past 8-10 years, including humidifier attachments. CPAP hose passes through side opening facing bed. Additional ventilation holes in CPAP shelf to allow fresh air upward flow up and out of the enclosure. Power cords can also be run through holes.

  • Safely Houses CPAP Day or Night
  • Reduces CPAP Machine Noise
  • Storage for Equipment, Mask, UPS, Hose, etc,...
  • Fits most CPAP machines going back 10 years
  • Works on either side of the bed
  • Can be disassembled for International shipping or finishing if desired
  • Sanded - Ready for Natural Bees Wax (included) or additional finishing
  • Deluxe BLUM BLUMOTION Self-Closing Hinges (Finger Quick Release for optional door removal)

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Auto Accessories - Air Conditioning And Heating Options

!9# Auto Accessories - Air Conditioning And Heating Options

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Have you recently purchased a brand new car? If yes, then you might be looking for some chic auto accessories in order to customize your vehicle. Well, if this is the case then this article could be of great help to you. The market of auto accessories is readily increasing due to the advent of technology. For this reason, a large number of automobile companies are manufacturing such auto parts. Further in this article, we are going to talk about air conditioning and heating auto accessories.

AC and heating systems are an integral part of automobile vehicles. Installing an efficient system in your car is very important. Now, given below are some of the popular heating and air conditioning systems that you can consider purchasing from the market.

• Heater / AC Climate Control Assembly for Dodge Daytona
This wonderful climate control comes for a price of 13 dollars. It is certainly quite nominal.

This air conditioning and heating system comes for a price of 100 dollars. It has innumerable features and specifications.

This ALTEZZA heating and AC system is priced at 10 dollars.

• 1997-1998 Infiniti Q45 Heater AC Control OEM LKQ
The cost of this heating and air conditioning system is around 27 dollars.

• Chevrolet Impala AC/Heater Controls OEM LKQ
This air conditioning system for Chevrolet Impala comes for about 27 dollars.

• Ford Explorer Heater AC Control OEM LKQ
This 42 dollar AC system is meant for Ford Explorer.

This amazing climate adjustment system comes for about 100 dollars.

This is an expensive air conditioning and heating system that is priced at 250 dollars.

• Tribute Heater Climate Control Unit OEM LKQ
This climate system comes for about 35 dollars.

• BMW 318i E36 AC heater control
This amazing system is meant for BMW. The price of this system is around 70 dollars.

• Continental Digital Heater Control Unit OEM
This is a digital heating control unit that comes for about 50 dollars.

The price of this AC and heating system is about 30 dollars.

So, these are some of the most popular air conditioning and heating auto accessories available in the market. You can consider purchasing one of them for your car.

Auto Accessories - Air Conditioning And Heating Options

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Sleep Apnea Supplies

!9# Sleep Apnea Supplies

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Sleep apnea is characterized by interruptions in breath called apneas. It causes your breathing to become shallow or even stop. This pause lasts for 10-20 seconds and occurs 20-30 times or more in an hour. The most common type of sleep apnea is the Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) where enough air cannot flow through the nose or mouth and the air passage is blocked. The second type is the Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) that is caused due to anomalies in the brain?s commands for breathing.

Sleep apnea is treated with the help of a piece of equipment called Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). Other machines like Variable Positive Airway Pressure (VPAP) and Automatic Positive Airway Pressure (APAP) are also used. Some of the companies that manufacture these pieces of equipment are Respironics, Puritan Bennett, Fisher & Paykel, ResMed, Tiara and Viasys.

Respironics manufactures them under the brand name Remstar, Puritan Bennett uses the name Good Night and ResMed are the manufacturers of Auto Set Vantage.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure equipment generates air at a constant pressure using a compressor. The pressure varies from person to person. This air is pumped to the person through a headgear that is worn by him covering his nose and mouth. These breathing aids are available in the price range of 9 - 0. Those with humidifiers cost more and those without humidifiers are less expensive.

Variable Positive Airway Pressure or VPAP equipment is also known as BiPAP. It uses an electronic circuit to monitor a person?s breathing and it provides different air pressures for inhalation and exhalation, inhalation having the higher one. This equipment is usually used on patients with other respiratory illnesses apart from apnea. The BiPAP machines are priced 00 upwards. The models with humidifiers cost more.

Automatic Positive Airway Pressure or APAP is the most advanced form of apnea treatment. It includes pressure sensors and a computer that continuously monitors the person?s breathing and increases or decreases the pressure accordingly. The average price of APAP machine ranges from 0 to 0. As with the other models those with humidifiers cost more.

The accessories needed for using sleep apnea treatment equipment include a headgear, nasal mask and humidifier. Some persons experience the drying up of the mucous membrane. The humidifier is used to bring back the moisture. The nasal mask and headgear are used to provide pressurized air to the person. The nasal mask is priced at around 0- 0. Nowadays machines having only a nasal mask are available. This is more convenient than the traditional headgear that covers that whole head and causes discomfort.

Sleep Apnea Supplies

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Monday, October 3, 2011

ResMed VPAP 3

!9# ResMed VPAP 3

Brand : Vpap 3 | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Oct 03, 2011 11:48:22 | N/A

ResMedVPAP® III TM SeriesResMed's VPAP III bilevel positive airway pressure (PAP) devices provide comfortable, convenient, and quiet therapy for people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and complicating factors, such as restrictive or obstructive lung disease.Many OSA patients use bilevel devices because they need a lower pressure during exhalation. The lower pressure makes treatment more comfortable.Bilevel devices offer the most significant improvements in comfort when they achieve patient-machine synchrony. In other words, the bilevel device needs to stay in sync with you on each inhale and exhale. ResMed's patented VsyncTM and TiControlTM technology provide excellent synchrony, even with air leaks.Manufacturer requires prescription of this product.Features & BenefitsVsync and TiControl technology ensure comfortable therapy, even in the presence of mask and mouth leaks.Optional integrated humidification meets your varying needs with changing symptoms and seasons.Patient adjustable ramp time starts therapy gradually so you can fall asleep easily (0-45 minutes).SmartStart® feature automatically starts and stops your device.Mask-fitting feature verifies that your mask has a good air seal.Automatic internal power converter enables trouble-free international travel.Comprehensive data management features enable your clinician to monitor and manage your therapy.

More Specification..!!

ResMed VPAP 3

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sleep mask - Discover why the most important part of treatment with CPAP

!9# Sleep mask - Discover why the most important part of treatment with CPAP

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A form of sleep apnea is one of the most important components in the treatment of sleep apnea by continuous positive airway pressure devices airway (CPAP). According to the majority of respiratory therapists, believe that the success of treatment with CPAP device based significantly on a jig comfortable sleep.

Statistics show that treatment with CPAP only 40 to 50 percent of users are compatible with their use of therapy after 60 days. This is ironic, because if thisEquipment is used properly, can completely erase the appearance of sleep apnea. It is believed that the main reasons why people do not keep their CPAP treatment is no longer, for his sleep apnea mask is uncomfortable or the pressure of the CPAP machine is out of the worst situation. So, for those who want to leave, which is based on treatment with CPAP, should do their homework and shop around, not only easy to assemble high quality mask and also make sure that the pressurefrom their CPAP remains tolerable.

In general, most types of masks apnea are triangular in shape, you are either completely cover the mouth, nose, or both. The mask receives compressed air from the CPAP machine, which can develop respiratory blocked. In general, the mask remains on the head with a built-in strap so that the mask is still in a certain position and the appearance of losses can be curbed. An importantis given to prevent leaks, because they mark the affection of the whole treatment if a patient does not have an adequate amount of compressed air to prevent blockage of the airway.

Generally, most of CPAP machines are built in a way to make small adjustments in the event of small leaks. However, we should prohibit a form of sleep apnea, which has a shape, as can loss occurs. In fact, if you must choose a mask apnea,Always choose a size smaller than a larger one, creating a tighter fit. More apnea masks are made of plastic soft silicone to form a soft and comfortable fit, made to create your face.

Home medical equipment dealers are usually responsible for delivery of your CPAP and mask. It is a good dealer will have a variety of masks, so now is the time to be "very difficult" and make sure you choose carefully and find one that is comfortable for you. For example, instead of the usualtriangular form, we know a different form of sleep apnea as a nasal mask cushion. In reality, no real form, since it consists only of tubes that are connected to the nostrils. The sleep mask is used primarily by people who have facial hair used to sleeping on your side, or claustrophobic with a mask on his face.

It 'also important to note that the "skin" can play a role in the shape of the mask sleep apnea. For example, if you have dry skin, then it isessential to use a moisturizer that is oil-free are, so keep in touch with the mask for the face at close range. On the contrary, if the skin is very oily, you can slip your losses mask.

There should be no cause for concern if the CPAP machine and mask that you have selected are provided by different manufacturers, since most of the masks so that you get to the pipe, which of the various CPAP machine is set to be produced. Remember, come on, ifTime to grab the mask sleep, make sure it is of high quality with a comfortable fit properly, so you can improve the compliance of your cure sleep apnea.

Sleep mask - Discover why the most important part of treatment with CPAP

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